Hedi, who is better known as Khalid Agha Hisami, was born in 1927 in the village of Shekhali in the Mukriyan region between Bokan and Mahabad. And at the same village which was owned by his father he finished school. After completing his education and reaching his youth, which coincided with the activities of the Kurdistan Relife Party (JK) and the establishment of the Kurdistan Republic (1946), he gradually developed a sense of Kurdishness. Despite being an active Peshmarga and as a poet he published poetry in the magazines and newspapers of that time.[1]
ئی بابەتۍ بە زۋانی (English) نۋیسیێنە، پەی ئەۋەکەرڎەی بابەتەکۍ بە زۋانېۋ کە نۋیسێنە، سەرو ئایکۆنو
ی کلیک کەرە!
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ئی بابەتۍ 820 جارۍ ۋینیێنە
پەیلۋاو وېت چە بارەو ئی بابەتۍ بنۋیسە!