He was born on the day #14-08-1978# in the city of #Kirkuk#, he has graduated from the College of Law in between the years 2001-2002, and has worked in several political, administrative, and organizational fields.
He is a member of the Kurdistan Regional Government’s lawyer’s union.
For a while, he has worked as a legal advisor in the northern office of Kirkuk to resolve the land issues of the occupiers with the coalition forces in Kirkuk, when the Kirkuk province was divided into two law offices for this issue.
He has worked as a legal advisor in the Iraqi Property Complaints Board (منازعات ملکیە) since #15-04-2004#. He was expelled from the office for his Kurdishness on the day #30-11-2005# for opposing the decisions of Baghdad that prevented the return of Kurdish farmers to their ancestral homeland Because of the policy of ethnic cleansing and Arabization of the Kurdish inhabitant areas and lands.
He is currently in charge of the 1st Organizational Committee of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan PUK party.
He was arrested twice by the fallen Ba'ath regime during his studies.
He was elected as the candidate of the Kurdistan List for the governor of Kirkuk after a national agreement.
He was a member of two plenary sessions of the PUK.
Member of the UN-led National Congress for Sovereignty and Democracy (المؤتمر الوطنی للسیادة و الدیمقراطیة) to transfer power from coalition forces to Iraqis.
He was a candidate on the Kurdistan Alliance list in Kirkuk province for the 2010 Iraqi parliamentary elections.[1]