Author: Adnan Khan
Publisher: MaktabaIslamia Publications
Release date: 2016
The conflicts in the “modern Middle Eastern state system” are driven by several factors, some related to weak state formation and the persistence of sub-national identities that supersede national loyalties; some that are the product of authoritarian (or totalitarian) state structures that provide no rights or voice to their citizens; some that are the result of Muslim revolutionary ambitions exemplified by the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the accession to power of the Taliban in Afghanistan, and the campaigns of al Qaeda and ISIL/Da’esh; and some that derive from sub-regional power politics founded on perceived national interests and security concerns, notably between the KSA and Iran, also influenced by Turkey and Egypt. The impact of external interventions has also been significant. The schism between Washington and Tehran after the Islamic Revolution and the occupation of the U.S. Embassy in 1979; Soviet,..[1]
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