He was born on #11-09-1977# in Kozekariz village of#Mahabad# . He completed his secondary education in Mahabad. He holds a bachelor's degree in natural geography from Tebriz University and a master's degree in geomorphology from Tehran University. He is a graduate of GIS from the University of Swedish Norway.
He was a lecturer in Koya and Ranya universities from 2005 to 2007.
He has published several works as a researcher in the field of geography. In 2005, he published an illustrated tourist map of Mahabad.
His next product was an examination of the geographical location of the Mukriyan region. The map was published in 2007 as the political and demographic map of Mukriyan Kurdistan.
Their latest work was a map of the ethnic and religious composition of Urmia province (West Azerbaijan) published in 2012.[1]
ئەڤ بابەت ب زمانا (English) هاتیە نڤیساندن، کلیک ل ئایکۆنا
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ئەڤ بابەتە 237 جار هاتیە دیتن
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