Title: Halabja In the Golden Days:
Place of publication: U.K
Publisher: GULAN Promoting Kurdish Culture
Halabja in Iraqi Kurdistan is known mainly because of the terrible chemical weapons attack in 1988. This formed part of the ‘Anfal’ campaign of persecution in which up to 182,000 Kurds were killed by Saddam Hussein’s Ba’ath regime. Before Anfal, Halabja was famous for its gardens and the beauty of its landscapes, its poets and historical figures such as ‘Lady’ Adela Jaff.
Gulan and our associates have conducted interviews with people from Halabja to create a series of articles on the city’s art, theatre, music and sports. Together with essays written by experts on Halabja’s history, poetry and costumes, these articles are being published in this magazine as part of the Journeys Festival International 2020.[1]
קרא את הספר: Halabja In the Golden Days
הורדה כוללת:
198 פעמים
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