He was born in 1935 in Kirkuk. He joined the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in 1958. From 1966 to 1969, he was in charge of the third branch of the KDP. In 1970, he was made a reserve member of the party's central committee.
From 1973 to 1975 he became the secretary of the Kurdistan Red Party. In 1985 he resigned from the party. In 1995 he left the areas under the Ba'athist regime and returned to Kurdistan.
He was admitted as a university lecturer in Sulaymaniyah Provincial Administration.
He left Kurdistan in 1997 and went to New Zealand. After the fall of the Ba'ath regime, he returned to Sulaymaniyah and transferred his service from university teaching to Kirkuk University. In 2004, he was appointed dean of the College of Education and Psychological Sciences.
He was assassinated on #05-03-2008# by unknown gunmen in Kirkuk. [1]
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