Title: Music of Yarsan: A Living Tradition
Author: Partow Hooshmandrad
The educational documentary film Music of Yarsan: A Living Tradition is an investigation into the variety of musical practices in the life of the Kurdish Ahl-e Haqq people of the Guran region, in the Kermanshah province of Iran. We hope that it will be of service to the Ahl-e Haqq people, the scholars, and the public at large. Although the focus is on the respected Khamushi and Yadegari Families of the Guran region, the wish of the producer is to help with the conservation of a precious and fascinating cultural heritage of humanity, celebrate the Ahl-e Haqq identity, and aid in sustaining the cultural heritage of all of the Families (Khandans) of the Ahl-e Haqq. The footage was originally part of the process of the producer’s field research activities, and was taken with very basic filming equipment and limited technical tools. This film is a documentation of the Ahl-e Haqq’s musical life more than a “documentary film.” It is a representative “collage” rather than an all-inclusive representation of ALL of the respected textual and musical experts of the Guran region through history. The details and commentary are based on the producer’s research in the region since the year 2000. The majority of footage was taken in the early 2000s. The Ahl-e Haqq people are proud of their way of life and practices. Nevertheless, as valued and respected global citizens, they have fully participated in life outside of their community through successfully engaging in higher education, business endeavors, and international collaborations. [1]
کوردیپێدیا بەرپرس نییە لە ناوەڕۆکی ئەم تۆمارە و خاوەنەکەی لێی بەرپرسیارە. کوردیپێدیا بە مەبەستی ئەرشیڤکردن تۆماری کردووە.
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