Mawlood, who is also known as Baram, is a journalist, translator, and civil activist in East Kurdistan. He was born in theyear 1974 in the Gundawela village of Shino city, East Kurdistan to a middle-class patriotic family.
Mawlood started his journalistic career in the year 2000 by working for the weekly newspaper called Dahatoo (which means the Future in Kurdish) in Bokan and was in charge of the cultural section of this newspaper for a year and a half.
After the closure of newspapers and the victory of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2005, Mawlood began writing and translating online on the Internet.
For 14 months, he supervised the website Jawanmargi Nishtiman, which operated in both Kurdish and Persian langauges as an independent Kurdish media outlet.
In May 2005, Mawlood opened a blog called Keleshin, where he writes his comments and notes in both the Kurdish and Persian languages.[1]