Benazir Bhutto was born on #21-06-1953# in #Karachi#, Pakistan, the daughter of former President Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
Originally Benazir Bhutto's mother is kurdish.
After graduating from Oxford University, Bhutto returned to Pakistan shortly before the 1986 coup led by General Zia al-Haq against his father Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
He returned to his country in 1986 and led the opposition forces against the customary rule of the country After the death of General Zia Haq in a plane crash on #17-08-1988#, Bhutto became the first woman prime minister of a Muslim country on 01-12-1988.
In 1990, however, then President Ghulam Ishaq Khan dissolved Bhutto's government on corruption charges. In 1993, Bhutto was re-elected prime minister, but in the November 1996 elections, the Islamic Union won and Bhutto's party lost.
Bhutto and her husband Asif Ali Zadari were later charged with bribery, so she fled the country to Britain and the UAE. In 2002, Bhutto was banned from returning to the country. In 2007, President Pervez Musharraf issued an amnesty that included Bhutto and Musharraf, who returned to the country and decided to run in parliamentary elections.
Benazir Bhutto returned to the country in October 2007 and was targeted by two terrorist attacks on her return, but she survived.
But just two weeks before Pakistan's expected elections, a suicide bomber targeted Bhutto again in the city of Rualbandi on December 27, however this time Bhutto died along side several of his supporters.
His assassination sparked several immediate domestic and foreign reactions, most notably a request by the UN Security Council to hold an extraordinary session.
Banazir Bhutto her mother is Kurdish from Kermanshah.[1]